Caring for Koalas

We all know Koalas as one of Australia most prominent and cute symbols with the Kangaroo being just the runner-up because everyone is afraid, they will punch you. But there are not so many Koalas anymore. They were hunted until the 1930s and have suffered greatly from their habitat being destroyed. They are very picky eaters and live on eucalyptus only. They often don’t even drink over longer periods of time because the water in the leaves is enough for them. That’s also what gave them their name which means ‘No Water’ in an Aboriginal language.

In Port Macquarie is a Koala hospital that takes in injured Koalas which we visited. Most often they are admitted due to diseases affecting their eyes and even causing blindness, accidents with motor vehicles and dog attacks. During the bushfires last summer over one third of the remaining Koala population was killed and many more injured. Many of those had bad burns on their paws from being trapped on burning trees.

At the Koala hospital they take care of these animals and try to return them to their original habitat or find a new one for them. Some are too heavily injured to be released again and stay at the hospital. They live alone or with other Koalas in cages with tall trees. Especially those who are likely to return to the wild are most often found far up in those trees. Some of the Koalas, especially those that have been admitted due to the bushfires are kept behind a wall to minimize direct contact with humans because they are afraid. But you can still see them climbing the trees.

I don’t have to tell you how adorable they are, just have a look at the picture. By the way, you can also adopt a Koala!

The first Koala we saw in Australia
Something is itching
Having a rest on a branch
Can you find all the Koalas?
There are two Koalas here
Chris and I with Captain Koala
A Koala in front of the Koala Hospital
The list of all the Koalas in the hospital, what they have and how they are treated
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